How to start a blog on your website

How to start a blog on your website

Everybody’s a blogger nowadays. Your mate Gary, your Aunt Pat, and even your dear old Mum. Everyone is chatting away about something on a blog. But what about businesses? Well, they’re blogging too. In fact, a blog is an excellent tool for a business. A business blog...
How to create a great first impression with signage

How to create a great first impression with signage

‘A business with no sign is a sign of no business’ – a clever businessman The business world is pretty competitive, right? Even if you have the best business idea, a great team and an excellent product, you may still fail miserably. Well, that’s capitalism for you....
8 reasons your business needs to send out newsletters

8 reasons your business needs to send out newsletters

Newsletters … they’re a real pain, right? Every day, you get a hundred newsletters from various companies. Do they even work? Er … yes! If done right, they work exceptionally well. A business newsletter can be a valuable source of income for your business. But it’s...
Top tips for creating maps

Top tips for creating maps

Maps? We know what you’re thinking, ‘Who uses maps any more? Have you not heard of Google© Maps!?’ Bear with us though, because maps aren’t just directional, they can be characterful, beautifully illustrated, technical or simplified – all designed in your way to help...
5 big ideas for a small business to help fight climate change

5 big ideas for a small business to help fight climate change

You love the planet, we love the planet. So what are some things we can do to help? Read on as we share some Mad thoughts for anyone wondering what they can do and what would happen if we didn’t just follow the norm. 1. Consider switching to electric when upgrading...